Monday, April 14, 2014

Artwork sales

     Free daily advice for people in small business
     from someone who has been there, done that.

     Artists and artisans can have a hard time connecting with the buying public. It's a long way from creation to sale.

     Painters, photographers, potters, jewelry makers, wood turners, fiber artisans, glass workers--all have difficulty marketing. But it doesn't have to be that way.

     The Internet has made it easier than ever to connect with the buying public. You can have your own website, post your creations on Facebook, talk with others on Twitter, join public art sites like, create your own blog at and enhance it with Google+. 

     New possibilities crop up every day. Keep on top of social media. Snap frequent pictures of your works and post them on sites that can attract attention. 

     Older methods work for some artists and artisans. Galleries still mount exhibits to show works. Some galleries have morphed into high-end gift shops that regularly offer works by artists and artisans.

     I know a large gift shop that specializes in one-of-a-kind creations. Jewelry, paintings and photographs, pottery, even furniture and other decorative items crowd displays here. Creations in glass and metals, fiber and wood line the shelves. Hand-made kaleidoscopes attract shoppers with deep pockets.

     Other artists and artisans open their studios to the public. If you have never done this, kick it off with an open house. Partner with a local bakery or caterer or restaurant--you furnish the space and the attraction, they furnish the goodies. Announce that your studio is open every weekend for visitors. Follow-up by repeating the open house every 2-3 months.

     Some artists and artisans offer workshops. These free information sessions attract attention and get locals talking about you and your work. Workshops by artists and artisans I've known include jewelers, fiber artists, stained glass workers, plein air painting and pottery making. In all these, you are the instructor and the session brings in some revenue. 

     Art shows can be effective, but good ones can be expensive. Exercise care in selecting the shows you sign up for. You can show your works at the local flea market, but people who shop flea markets are looking for bargains. 

     Artists and artisans are creative people. You naturally think outside the box. That's what makes your works valuable to the rest of us. Use some of your creativity in thinking about how to sell your works.

     Questions? Email me direct at: and put BLOG in the subject line. I am retired and I am not selling anything. Your privacy is always respected.