Monday, October 13, 2014

Educating customers

     Free daily tips, information, advice, ideas, with 
     business examples from my lifetime in business.

     Your business can handle more sales than you have. You can sell more. You know that.

     But did you know that some of your customers/clients don't know what you do? Some of them get accustomed to coming to you for one thing, but they ignore--or don't know about--all the other things you do.

     In business, you must educate your customers/clients. You must tell them about all the things you can do for them. Otherwise, they tend to pigeon-hole you as expert at only one thing.

     Example: Linda is a reflexology practitioner. Her clients are happy with results. They return and they refer others to Linda. She also offers clinical hypnosis counseling and childbirth education sessions. One of her reflexology clients (who was pregnant) asked Linda if she knew anyone who could help her with her weight gaining. The client didn't know that Linda could provide the advice she sought.

     Example: You hired a web site designer and you were more than happy with the result. Now you need someone to set you up with social media. You call your web site designer and ask for a recommendation. He tells you that he can help you with social media. You suspected as much, but he had never mentioned it. He had not educated you in all the things he could do.

     Example: Your regulars enjoy your restaurant's healthy meals, and they return again and again. But you haven't reminded them often enough that you also do catering. So, when they were planning that corporate event or a family reunion, they called a caterer who has contacted them. You've lost a sale.

     Example: John handles taxes for several small businesses. He knows that few people in small business give much thought to selling the business or practice. He announces a seminar and invites all of his clients. There he will discuss how to get the business ready to sell, what a buyer might expect, how to negotiate, what value to place on the business, etc. At the meeting, he answers all their questions. During the following month, he gets several calls from business owners wanting a private meeting with John to further pursue the matter. He has expanded his business by educating his present clients. 

     Every time you interact with your customers and clients, try to remind them of the whole range of things you can do for them. Otherwise, they will tend to think of you in a narrow way.

     The examples in these write-ups are good ways to communicate information and ideas for you to use in your business. Even if it's a different type of business, the example can get your creative juices flowing and give you fresh ideas. Never give up!