Thursday, February 18, 2016

Get with it on Facebook

          Free daily tips, information, advice and ideas
          to help you better manage your small business

     If you don't use Facebook to promote your business, you're missing big time opportunities. Facebook can help you grow and expand.

     Just to be clear--I don't have any connection with Facebook (other than a page of my own), and I don't get anything from Facebook by this writing. Facebook is a valuable addition to your marketing tool box. And everyone in small business deserves to take advantage of it.

     First, a Facebook page is easy to set up and use. Even if you are not computer savvy, you can follow the simple directions and be up and running in about five minutes. Just go to and begin.

     Second, a Facebook page puts a photo face on your business. Everyone snaps digital photos these days. Photos on Facebook do NOT have to be professionally done. And they are easily uploaded. 

     Third, a Facebook page is easy to maintain. You don't have to hire an expert. You simply check in every day and add more photos and comments. Quick and easy.

     Fourth, a Facebook page brings in new business. As people "like" the things you put up on your page, they pass them around. This puts your business in front of more eyeballs. 

     Keep in mind that your Facebook page is a living thing. It's like a scroll that keeps unfolding day by day. It attracts attention because it is not static. It changes. And you make the changes yourself. 

     Photos: Bakers photograph every cake being made. Florists photograph every flower arrangement. If you sell eye glass frames, get up close and personal--photos can show eyeballs peering through frames. Auto repair shops show a mechanic's hands fiddling with anything under the hood. Pest exterminators can take endless pictures of bugs. And anyone can attract attention with photos of kittens, puppies, flowers--the idea is to capture the viewer, then add a short comment from you.

     Some small businesses post pictures on Facebook almost every day. It keeps them in peoples' minds. It keeps people coming back. It spreads the word about your business. And for the most part, it's free.

     Promoting your business once cost a significant part of your budget. Along came Facebook. Yes, you can buy ads, but you can attract lots of attention at no cost. Ain't America amazing?