Free daily advice for people in small business
from someone who has been there, done that.
The time to start a business is now. It is never too early, and it is never too late. No matter your age or situation, today is the day to begin.
Teenagers and pre-teens are good at starting businesses. If nothing else, they have energy and attitude. These two traits will take them far.
Seniors have gained much of life's experiences. They know the value of persistence. They can turn a long-held interest into a business, avoiding the set-backs younger people might experience.
Adults between youth and retirement frequently change career directions and start a business. They are looking for more fulfillment than that they leave behind.
Example: I once helped a woman in her late 70s establish a new bagel house. She bought used equipment, rented a high traffic space, and in less than a year, she had established a thriving operation, selling bagels retail as well as wholesale. The key here was her drive and the excellence of her bagels. People came, they came back, and they brought others.
Example: A teenager came to me for advice on growing his business. He had spent years cutting grass, trimming shrubbery and doing yard clean-ups. He wanted to grow into a full landscaping operation after he graduated high school. I helped him do a business plan and he was on his way. It was an easy transition to grow into a business based on the customers and reputation he already had.
Example: A lady in corporate American left her office every day to hurry home. There, she pursued her first love--at her potter's wheel. After we talked a few times, she took early retirement and set up her own pottery operation. Her special glazes attracted early attention, and her pottery commands high praise--and high prices.
Anyone can start a business at any age. Never think that you're too young or too old or too locked into a career that no longer excites you.
Today is the day to begin. It's easier than ever to get that idea off the ground and running. The Internet makes it easy to reach out, far beyond your own community, tapping more and more people on the shoulder, and turning them into customers.
I wish that the Internet had been around when I first started out. "Yeah, Dad," my daughter would say. "Those were the olden days."
Questions? Email me direct at and put BLOG in the subject line.
I am retired and I am not selling anything. Your privacy is always respected.